We have teamed up with Study Notes ABA to offer a complete training program for certified ABA professionals to become demonstrably competent in the affirming, assent/consent-focused, client-led subfield of Sexual Behavior Analysis (SBA). Our program provides the utmost in quality education and supervision, all by recognized experts in sexological practice! Also, all content is for BACB Learning CEUs!*
Note: *This program, itself, is not endorsed or sponsored by the BACB*
Our program consists of 2 Levels, as we recognize not all Behavior Analysts will want to work with all populations or develop skills related to couple's work. Level 2 clinicians are required to have mastered Level 1 prior.
Level 1: Certified Behavioral Sexologist (CBS)
*focuses on Autism and ID
Level 2: Certified Behavioral Sexologist for Couples (CBS-C)
*focuses on Neurotypical and couples needs
All CEU Content is hosted on Study Notes ABA and if wanting to gain training without pursuing certification, that is also available at all times through stagnant presentations on our course site: ceu.studynotesaba.com/ceu-courses/sba
Get trained in SBA!
Empowering people through sexual education, support, and human connections, as we all work toward better, more fulfilling lives.
Copyright © 2018 Empowered: A Center for Sexuality, LLC